
Best Unlimited Internet Deals in 2022

Done with data caps? These are the best Unlimited Internet Deals

Credit: Dreamstime: Navith Thongphasuk

Why go unlimited?

With the average consumption of data increasing everyday, the idea of signing up for an unlimited data plan makes a lot of sense. Premium unlimited plans are very reasonably priced these days, with some costing the same as, or only slightly more than standard plans with data caps. 

Going unlimited will give you the freedom to watch, listen and download what you want without worry, even when you’re sharing that connection with others. 

Unlimited NBN 50 plans

NBN 50 is the best bang for buck option right now with plans coming in around the AU$54-70 mark and providing an average evening speed of 50Mbps. Most also offer deals like the opportunity to bundle your mobile plan and save on your recurring monthly fees. You can get by paying a little less without compromising on speed and still handle multiple people using the internet simultaneously. 

Our pick?

Spintel's NBN Unlimited Plus plan is the cheapest deal right now at AU$54 per month for the first six months and then AU$64.95 per month thereafter. This plan has similar terms to other plans in this category, including standard typical 50Mbps eventing speeds, a no lock in contract term and unlimited data. 

Unlimited NBN 100 plans

NBN 100 is great if you want the fastest speeds you can get. With download speeds generally sitting around 90Mbps, these plans are the ones to go for if you do a lot of online gaming and don't want to compromise on your latency. 

Our pick?

Dodo's nbn100 Unlimited plan is the best value plan. It will cost you AU$63.90 per month for the first six months and then AU$85 per month after that. Dodo's plan offers comparatively fast typical evening speeds of 95Mbps and has no contract term. 

Unlimited Wireless 5G plans

If you're not keen on the nbn, there are some crazy cheap deals out there on alternatives. Here's our pick of the lot:

Our pick?

TPG's 5G Home Internet Plan Premium includes a modem and the first month's plan fees free, with $0 activation and $0 delivery. TPG says it provides speeds up to 50Mbps. 

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